Checking in at the Legislature: 2025 Session Week 6


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

With only one week left in the 2025 General Session, we are working hard to get the final pieces of legislation across the finish line. We are making great improvements to education, public safety, and election security.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in to our final Saturday morning legislative update. Senator Weiler, Rep. Ward, Rep. Cutler, and I are committed to ensuring our constituents in Davis and North SL County can reach us and understand the work we're doing to represent you. 

Warmest regards,


Week 6 Video Update


  • Friday, March 8th: Last day of the 2025 General Legislative Session


1. Supporting Our K-12 Public Educators and Staff 
2. SB178 Devices in Public Schools and HB402 Food Additives in Schools 
3. Strengthening Our Elections: Update on HB300 
4. Supporting Utah’s Future: Energy, Child Tax Credits, Homeownership
5. Friends on the Hill 
6. Bills Passed by the House this Week 
Supporting our Public K-12 Educators and Staff

The Utah Legislature is dedicated to teachers! On Friday, legislators announced an increase in teacher salaries and support staff pay from our 2025 session. The initiative includes a $1,446 salary increase for teachers and a $1,000 bonus for education support staff, along with a 4% funding boost for school districts to raise wages for all employees.  

Since FY 2020, teacher starting salaries have increased from $44,000 to nearly $60,000, positioning Utah among the top states for teacher pay in the West. State leaders emphasize that these investments ensure Utah remains one of the best places to teach and learn. Look at some statistics about education and teachers:

Key funding highlights: 
  • $50 million – $1,446 salary increase per teacher 
    • $1,000 direct salary increase, $446 for the educator salary adjustment included in the base budget 
  • $50 million – $1,000 bonus for educator support staff 
  • $178 million – 4% funding increase to raise salaries for all school district employees 
  • $77.7 million – Educator professional time 
  • $65 million – Career and Technical Education Catalyst grant program 
  • $14.3 million – Teachers' supplies and materials 
  • $12.4 million – Stipends for Future Educators grants for student teachers 
  • $7.3 million – Grow Your Own Educator Pipeline Grant Program 
  • $795,700 – Support for professional liability insurance premiums for Utah educators 
Long term investments: 
  • $2.5 billion increase in public education funding from 2014 to 2024, a 94.7% increase 
  • $6,000 direct compensation raises for teachers 
  • Four additional teacher preparation days each year 
  • Up to $500 stipend for classroom supplies 
  • Expanded paid maternity leave 
  • $6,000 stipend for student teachers 
  • Funding for two cohorts of new teachers through the Grow Your Own Educator program 
  • A hotline to help teachers navigate administrative challenges 
  • Additional compensation for high-performing teachers 
  • Simplified teacher evaluations 
  • Salary bonuses for teachers in high-poverty schools 
  • $80 million for educators to help at-risk students
  • Funding for optional full-day Kindergarten statewide 
  • MASTER teacher program, allowing teachers to earn more while staying in the classroom
  • Ensuring teachers aren’t penalized for chronically absent students
SB178 Devices in Public Schools and HB402 Food Additives in Schools

This year, the Legislature is making great efforts to improve students' performance in Utah schools.

SB178, Devices in Public schools, bans student use of cell phones, smartwatches, and similar devices during class. However, this bill allows Local Education Agencies (LEA) to set stricter or looser policies for themselves, including full-day restrictions. LEA must allow exceptions for emergencies, medical needs, safety threats, or IEPs, and the State Board of Education may create model policies. You can listen to the debate on this bill here, or learn more here.

HB402, Food Additives in Schools, limits specific food dyes and additives in K-12 school lunches and applies to all public district schools. Although charter schools were initially included in the bill, they will no longer be required to follow this policy. You can listen to the debate on this bill here.
Strengthening Our Elections: Update on HB300 
Many of you reached out with concerns about the original version of HB300. Here’s an article explaining the new bill language and compromise changes we have made. This bill is now waiting to be heard in the Senate Business and Labor Committee.
Supporting Utah’s Future: Energy, Child Tax Credits, Homeownership
  • H.B. 316 enhances Utah’s child tax credit, providing financial relief for parents of young children by increasing eligibility and returning more money to families. This bill helps ensure Utah remains a great place to raise a family. 

  • H.B. 360, H.B. 37, and H.B. 368 aim to make homeownership more affordable by encouraging diverse housing options and streamlining land-use regulations. These bills expand housing availability and help more Utah families achieve homeownership. 

Friends on the Hill
Becky Edwards talking about HB557; Center of Hope Development Director, Mary Dworshak on the House floor; with my daughter Mary Katharine Ballard, and Mary Catherine Perry representing the Salt Lake Chamber; Animal Print Friday and Cowboy Day merge at the House.
Bills Passed by the House this Week

H.B. 492 Drinking Water Utilities Amendments 

S.B. 147 Youth Service Organizations Amendments 

H.B. 455 Utah Fits All Scholarship Program Amendments 

H.B. 506 Unclaimed Property Amendments 

S.B. 198 Federal Guidance Letter Amendments 

H.B. 376 National Guard Amendments 

H.B. 423 Voting Registration Amendments 

H.B. 374 Signature Collection Amendments 

H.B. 103 State Land Access Road Amendments 

H.B. 327 Homeowners Association Modifications 

H.B. 217 Homeowners' Association Amendments 

H.B. 456 Transient Room Tax Amendments 

H.B. 143 Firearm Safety Incentives 

H.B. 241 Solar Power Plant Amendments 

H.B. 279 Earned Wage Access Services Act 

H.B. 322 Child Actor Regulations 

H.B. 321 Utah Olympics Amendments 

H.B. 410 Child Care Amendments 

H.B. 368 Local Land Use Amendments 

H.B. 360 Housing Attainability Amendments 

H.B. 424 School Activity Eligibility Commission Amendments 

H.B. 100 Food Security Amendments 

H.B. 168 Artificial Intelligence in Education 

H.B. 420 Halogen Emissions Amendments 

H.B. 246 Statewide Online Education Program Amendments 

H.B. 390 Religious Expression in Higher Education 

H.B. 396 Small School District Scale of Operations Formula 

H.B. 449 Student Athlete Amendments 

H.B. 425 Department of Public Safety Fee Amendments 

H.B. 329 Homeless Services Amendments 

H.B. 357 Medical Cannabis Modifications 

H.B. 365 Mental Health Care Study Amendments 

H.B. 405 Human Trafficking Amendments 

H.B. 450 Victim Privacy Amendments 

H.B. 463 Child Support Modifications 

H.B. 15 Murdered and Missing Indigenous Relatives Task Force Amendments 

H.B. 227 Restricted Person Amendments 

H.B. 336 State Park Accessibility Amendments 

H.B. 438 Environmental Legal Action Amendments 

H.B. 446 Great Salt Lake Amendments 

H.B. 261 Towing Modifications 

H.B. 502 Transportation and Infrastructure Funding Amendments 

H.B. 408 School Board Referendum Amendments 

H.B. 430 Security and Land Restriction Amendments 

H.B. 295 Municipal Services Fees and Political Subdivision Lien Amendments 

H.B. 110 Combined Basic Tax Rate Reduction 

H.B. 284 International Money Transmission Amendments 

H.B. 316 Child Tax Credit Amendments 

H.B. 472 Senior Care Facility Amendments 

H.B. 480 Landlord Communication Amendments 

H.B. 388 Antiquities Protection Amendments 

H.B. 169 State Board of Education Amendments 

H.B. 479 Student Athlete Revisions 

H.B. 500 Controlled Substance Modifications 

H.B. 378 Department of Natural Resources Funding Amendments 

H.B. 320 Municipal Ordinance Amendments 

H.B. 407 Mini-motorcycle Amendments 

H.B. 439 Outdoor Recreation Revisions 

H.B. 478 Brine Mining Amendments 

H.J.R. 9 Joint Resolution Regarding Utah's Share of Colorado River Water 

H.B. 496 Revisor's Technical Corrections to Utah Code 

H.B. 412 Boards and Commissions Revisions 

H.B. 355 Mining and Critical Infrastructure Materials Amendments 

H.B. 300 Amendments to Election Law 

S.B. 139 Mineral Rights Amendments 

S.B. 177 Child Welfare Amendments 

S.B. 238 Abandoned Aircraft Amendments 

S.B. 74 Corrections Modifications 

S.B. 27 Motor Vehicle Division Amendments 

S.B. 115 Substance Use Disorder Revisions 

S.B. 80 Water Fee Amendments 

S.B. 123 Criminal Protective Order Amendments 

S.B. 110 Summons Modifications 

S.B. 172 Local Health Department Amendments 

S.B. 150 Nonpublic Personal Information Amendments 

S.B. 61 Energy Corridor Amendments 

S.B. 190 Workers' Compensation Modifications 

S.B. 196 Physical Therapist Practice Amendments 

S.B. 134 Health Care Decisions Act Amendments 

H.B. 445 Revisions to Election Law 

H.B. 247 School Swimming and Lifeguarding Programs 

S.B. 82 Autopsy Photo Amendments 

S.B. 83 Law Enforcement Policy Requirements 

S.B. 180 Law Enforcement Usage of Artificial Intelligence 

S.B. 159 Environmental Quality Modifications 

S.B. 113 Traffic Code Amendments 

S.B. 64 Medical Cannabis Amendments 

H.B. 351 Election Day Amendments 

H.B. 298 Volunteer Emergency Medical Service Personnel Insurance Program Amendments 

H.J.R. 10 Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Publication Amendments 

H.B. 481 Ballot Proposition Requirements 

H.B. 309 Wildlife Amendments 

H.B. 176 County Classification Amendments 

H.B. 428 Property Tax Changes 

H.B. 464 State Sovereignty Fund 

H.B. 476 Tax Return Donation Amendments 

H.B. 435 Building Code Amendments 

H.B. 379 Population Data Amendments 

H.C.R. 9 House Concurrent Resolution to Create Energy Compact with Idaho and Wyoming 

S.B. 229 Organ Donor Amendments 

S.B. 174 Transit and Transportation Governance Amendments 

S.B. 119 Domestic Relations Recodification 

S.B. 104 Boundary Line Amendments 

S.B. 166 Point of the Mountain State Land Authority Amendments 

S.B. 239 Inland Port Authority Amendments 

S.B. 98 Parental Education on Student Use of Technology Amendments 

H.B. 57 Residential Solar Panel Consumer Protection Amendments 

H.B. 468 Automatic License Plate Reader Amendments 

H.B. 324 Special Group License Plate Amendments 

H.B. 489 Eyewear Sales Tax Amendments 

H.B. 466 Uniform Antitrust Pre-Merger Notification Act Amendments 

S.B. 178 Devices in Public Schools 

H.B. 474 Regulatory Oversight Amendments 

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