Checking In At The Legislature: 2020 Session Week 1
HB 185, Tax Reform Repealed January 28, 2020
In our state, citizens play an important role in shaping policy. They elect legislators to be their voice on Capitol Hill. In the case of tax reform, the public has made their voice clear by gathering signatures to place a referendum on the ballot. In response - and in recognition of overwhelming concern - lawmakers repealed the tax reform bill passed in December. I appreciate everyone who spoke with, emailed, or texted me about this bill.
I’m looking forward to working with my constituents to find a productive path forward.
Upcoming events:
- February 8th, Bagels & Briefings from 10:00 am-11:30 am 407 Elk Hollow Circle North Salt Lake.
- Family Night at the Capitol, RSVP on February 24th, or contact me for another time.
- February 12th, 11:15 am I will be presenting, HJR12, the celebratory women's suffrage resolution on the house floor.
- February 12th, 150th anniversary of women's suffrage bill. At the Utah State Capitol from 9 am-3:30 pm
In This Issue
- Opening Day and the Year of the Woman
- Higher Education with all boards & UTech successes
- Upcoming legislation to watch for
- Special Displays and Visitors
- Legislative Coalition For People With Disabilities
- Action Utah
- Joint Resolution Recognizing Bus Drivers
- Speaking With Congressman Christ Stewart
- Animal Print Friday
- City Day On The Hill
2020 is the Year of the Woman!
The anniversary of women's suffrage is being celebrated in the next two weeks: the 150th anniversary of Utah having the first women vote in all the territories and states as well as the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allowing all American citizens the right to vote. Utah will be sending a statue to D.C. representing the first woman in all U.S. territories and states to be a state senator, Martha Hughes Cannon.
Speaker Brad Wilson mentioned the Year of the Woman in his opening remarks and acknowledged great women leaders and lawmakers both now and throughout our state’s history. Women of Utah, “We need your voice”.
If you visit the Capitol, you’ll see displays of historical Utah women who led the way in our state’s history to great heights.
Martha Hughes Cannon Statue unveiled 
With my Dad, former Speaker of the House Robert Garff on Opening Day
Higher Education Appropriations Committee
Watch for legislation that will combine the Utah System of Higher Education, the Board of Regents, and Utech Commissioner, into one Chancellor position. This will help streamline articulation, create stackable credentials, simplify the transfer process between institutions and programs, pooling scholarships, and sharing best practices. This will result in creating more efficient staff and resources and save tax dollars, while aligning all of our higher institutions. Common metrics and goals have been the work of this year’s interim USHE Commissioner, David Woolstenhulme, UTech Commissioner David Haines, and Board of Regents Chair, Harris Simmons. For a list of Tech Colleges' success and metrics, go to Jan 31st “View Material List.”
With presidents from every technical college in the state. With Representative Kelly Miles, Pres Clay Christensen (Mountainland), Tyler Brinkerhoff (Asst Commissioner), Pres. Aaron Weight (Uintah Basin), Pres. Darin Brush (Davis), Pres. Brennan Wood (Southwest), Commissioner Jared Haines, Pres. Jim Taggart, Chair Steve Moore, Pres. Paul Hacking (Tooele) 
With Rick Folkerson, President of Keys to Success
Instead of asking for $63 million like other legislators, this bill asks for a much smaller $4 million ongoing appropriation bringing all LEAs (districts and charter schools) into compliance for financial reporting and transparency. For every $1 million that has been spent in the past on this, it will save us $75,000. Showing best practices and real-time analytics, it will prevent problems like we had in 2019 with schools who were using inaccurate financial reporting. School districts such as Davis can choose to opt-out of the state licensure if they want to keep their current financial information system at their expenditure as long as they meet all reporting compliance asset in board statute. We should be proud of our district – they rank #1 in almost all metrics across the state including financial efficiencies and academic success. This received an unanimous vote of support from the State Board of Education and support from the Superintendents Association and the Utah Charter School Network.
As long as I can remember, we have been asked to “slow the flow” and conserve the water we use. This allows for municipalities to attain valid data on their water loss and know where funds can be best spent to save money and save water from their source. Government agencies need to lead by example in being fiscally responsible and improving our communities. This has great support from all the government water divisions in Utah and received a favorable recommendation from the Utah Water Task Force and the Executive Water Finance Board. This was highlighted in the Governor’s Budget.
Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities
The Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities (LCPD) advocates for public policy affecting all people in Utah who have disabilities. I support their mission and appreciate their hard work.
With my intern Byron Day, Andy and Kendra Riggs.
With Angel Pocket and Payne Williams
Meeting With Action Utah
Action Utah's mission is to empower Utahns from both sides of the aisle to get civically engaged and impact the issues they care about most. I have loved meeting with those who are making a difference!
Melissa Nelson-Stippich, Communications Director; Carrie Butler, Policy Director; Tara Fales, Intern
I appreciate our bus drivers immensely. This resolution recognizes school bus drivers for their skills, dedication, leadership, and efforts to foster student and parent relationships.
Speaking with Congressman Chris Stewart
I had the chance to speak with Congressman Christ Stewart and our interns about issues in both Utah and Washington, D.C. It was great to collaborate with the Congressman and speak with such bright interns!
With Missy Crittenden, Senator Weiler, Byron Day, David Lopez, and Representative Ward
Animal Print Friday
Animal Print day in the House! The tradition was started by our very own, Becky Edwards.
City Day On The Hill
I had the opportunity to meet with the Bountiful City Council, the Woods Cross mayor, city council and youth city council, as well as see a Chinese New Year demonstration during City Day on the Hill. There is never a dull moment during the Legislative Session!
Members of the Woods Cross City Council, Youth Council, and Mayor. From left to right: Jessica Sims, Mandi Wood, Sharon Peters, Kaylee Gridley, Tori Simmons, Gary Uresk, Hannah Chester, Rick Earnshaw, Emily Westergard, Miles Robinson, AJ Peters, Melissa Ballard, Ryan Westergard, Julie Checketts, Wally Larrabee, Tami Dayley, Shaela Dolar, Makayla Lewis.
Front row left to right: Representative Ballard, Bountiful City Councilwoman Kate Bradshaw, UTA commissioner Beth Holbrook, Bountiful Mayor Randy Lewis, Bountiful City Councilwoman Millie Bahr, North Salt Lake City Councilwoman Natalie Gordon, Bountiful City Councilman Chris Simonsen.
Back row left to right: Bountiful City Councilman Richard Higginson, Bountiful City Manager Gary Hill, Representative Ray Ward