Infrastructure &
Economic Development

Utah was founded by pioneers who built communities with the future in mind. They were willing to sacrifice and work hard for the betterment of future generations. It is important that today’s Utahns continue to work hard and make the tough choices that will bless our children and future generations. 

As Utah continues to grow, our infrastructure must grow with it.  Responsible development and forward-thinking transportation solutions will become increasingly important. Providing alternate routes and efficient mass-transit solutions will be required if Utah is going to continue being a destination for new and expanding businesses. 

Our family foundation has created the "Code to Success" program allowing 7-12 grade students opportunities to learn and compete in computer coding. This adds to the value of our business markets and helps increase the number of qualified workers in the tech industry. It is a nine week summer coding boot camp that puts high school students on pathways to computer science degrees, teaches coding & programming, and helps students earn technology degrees. This introduces them into high paying jobs in the technology industry.