Checking In At The Legislature: January 2020
Friends and Neighbors,
The 2020 legislature begins next week. As I have reflected on the past 12 months, I have been impressed with the tremendous amount of collaboration that takes place between Utah legislators, residents, civic leaders across the state, education leaders, community organizations, and businesses. We have the number one economy in the nation, thanks to great businesses and educators, state leaders, and a culture of the legislature anticipating the needs of the future. As we prepare for the population doubling in Utah, there’s a lot to do to keep our economy strong, click here.
“Each of us contributes to our community in different ways. Thanks for what you do to help make this a great place to live.”
- Byron Day, my new legislative intern from Bountiful
- Legacy Parkway update and options
- Working on my 2020 bills: water loss audits HB40 - Meeting with WX public utility Director, and water utility directors from across the state
- HB67 – my 2020 bill for LEA School Financial Information Systems passed unanimously at the SBOE
- Our Newly elected NSL City Council members and Youth City Council
- Hosting and co-hosting two Utah hydrogen strategic planning meetings to facilitate zero emissions
- Governor’s Education Summit, with guest speaker Timothy Shriver
- Town Hall, with Senate President Stuart Adams, Senator Todd Weiler, and Representative Ray Ward
My New Intern!
Meet my new 2020 legislative intern, our very own Byron Day, a WXHS graduate, and U of U student! His mom, Louise Day, has been a page in the House of Representatives for 5 years and has lived in Bountiful for more than 45 years. Thanks for contributing so much to our community!
Legacy Parkway Discussion
Legacy Parkway is a gem for our neighborhood and draws many outdoor enthusiasts. I met with our Mayors and UDOT Deputy Director to discuss options for improving Legacy Parkway for residents and users. He gave all 3 mayors the credit for having the speed reduced from the expected 70mph to 65mph. Here are the opportunities for improvements:
- High tension cable barriers – If UDOT can find funding by late spring, the cable could be installed by UDOT by mid-summer in select areas.
- All 3 cities are going to request noise ordinance signs restricting truck brake use. They could be installed by summer if approved.
- Noise Walls – a minimum of one year of studies would need to be done by UDOT before any construction could be considered. It is extremely expensive and minimally effective. If approved, it would most likely be placed between the Parkway and the bike path (not between the bike path and the homes). It only reduces noise for the first row of houses. It is NOT currently being considered.
With Sen Todd Weiler, Rep Ray Ward, Beverly Ward, West Bountiful Mayor Ken Romney, WX Mayor Rick Earnshaw, and Deputy Dir of UDOT Jason Davis, discussing options moving forward.
High tension cable barriers
Noise ordinance sign
Noise walls
2020 HB40
Working on my water audit bill with WX City Dir of Public Works, Scott Anderson. He gave me a tour of the well-run city water utilities as we discussed WX water well, filters, meters, challenges, and efficiencies. An envied system across the state! Scott has introduced me to many associated with rural water as I have been presenting a water loss bill validating water loss and improvements for multiple water committees throughout the state. To read the bill, click here. This bill is in response to the 2015 legislative Performance Audit of Projections of Utah’s Water Needs citing the recommendation for valid water loss data. and the 2017 follow up audit citing that water loss data accuracy is still a concern.
With Nathan Lunstad (Div Drinking Water), Todd Stonely, Justin Maugan (Nibley City Public Works Dir), Terry Smith (Technical Dir Rural Water Assoc of Utah), Scott Anderson (WX City Public Works), and Greg Seegmillar (Consultant WX City Engineer, taking the photo). 
Meeting with members of the Rural Water Assoc of Utah Board of Directors: Dave Gardner (Draper, Water Pro ), Paul Ashton (White City Water), and Dale Pierson (Rural Water Assoc).
2020 HB67 Bill
For LEA Financial Information Systems, saving the state $75k for every $1mil spent. It passed the State School Board with a unanimous vote and is now second on its 2020 legislative priority list. To read the bill, click here.
I’ve been working hard to collaborate with the experts in charge of education for more efficient use of funds and modernizing efforts between the governor’s office, State Board of Education, Higher Ed, and Tech Institutions around the state.
With State Superintendent Sydnee Dickson, and State School Board Chair Mark Huntsman. 
With UTech Commissioner Jared Haines, Utah System of Higher Education Commissioner David Woolstenhulme, Governor’s Education Advisor Tami Pyfer, and State Board of Education Deputy Superintendent of Policy Angie Stallings
Newly Elected NSL City Council Members
Congratulations to our newly elected NSL City Council Members sworn on Jan 7, 2020: Stan Porter, Brian Horrocks, and Natalie Gordon. Thanks to our Mayor, Len Arave, for inviting me to speak to all the council members about future transportation opportunities in NSL
NSL Youth City Council
I had the opportunity to speak to the North Salt Lake Youth City Council, which included my nephews and niece Landon, Shane, and Annabelle. They work hard to learn about the function of government and cities and find ways to serve our community to make a difference. Thanks for all of your hard work!
Hydrogen In Utah
I was a presenter and panel moderator at Utah’s 3rd Annual Department of Energy Hydrogen Conference Jan 8. I presented with Martin Ritter of Stadler Rail, and Tammie Bostick of Utah Clean Cities, discussing the importance of having hydrogen in Utah as flexible and emission-free energy.
Hydrogen Strategic Planning Meeting
Co-Hosting a Hydrogen Strategic Planning Meeting with Jack Hedge, Dir of the Inland Port, Robert Mount of Power Innovations, with major Hydrogen producers, service providers, and international experts we worked on planning a major Utah Hydrogen conference March 25th. I’ve been impressed with the mission and actions of the Inland Port to be “Green”- that’s good for all of us!
Governor's Education Summit
Governor’s Education Summit featured Timothy Shriver (Chair of the Special Olympics) who is a leading educator on social and emotional factors in learning. Education and state leaders are working hard to help our students have emotional and social support in a culture full of anxiety and depression. Last year the legislature appropriated more than $32mil for youth and schools to have better access to counselors, psychiatrists, resource officers, and specialists in the schools to give them support for youth and YSA mental and emotional needs.
Meeting With Bountiful City Council
Meeting with Sen Todd Weiler and Rep Ray Ward with Bountiful City Council to discuss upcoming legislative opportunities. We loved meeting at our Fire station! We appreciate our city firefighters and police.
With Richard Higginson, Chris Simonsen, Millie Segura Bahr, Kate Bradshaw, Mayor Randy Lewis (Council woman Kendalyn Harris also present) 
With Police Chief Tom Ross.
Town Hall
Town Hall with Senate President Stuart Adams, Senator Todd Weiler, and Representative Ray Ward at the Bountiful City Library. President Adams summarizes the why, the hard, the imperfect, the necessity, and the good of the tax reform. We answered questions and appreciated so many of our constituents coming out to meet with us face to face
To watch the town hall, click here.  
With Brayden Hoehne, WXHS Student Body Officer and Pres of many clubs at WXHS, at the Town Hall.